What a year! 2020 was the one year that absolutely no one in the world wants to remember, and with good reasons. At least in Puerto Rico, we started the year with two major earthquakes that destroyed some areas south of the island, followed by a major lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic that lasted two months, and most people are still working from home at the time of this blog post. Lucky for our organization, we were able to produce most of our work remotely.

So, here is our long-awaited year in review.

1. We got awarded as a Service Provider of the Year for the district of Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands by the SBA.

2. We drove a whopping 480K+ visits to our website

3. recognized us as a Top Global B2B Company for the 3rd year in a row.

4. We joined the elite ranks of the Inc. Magazine 5000 List.

5. Our new client database increased by 25%.

6. The most popular blog on our website was ‘How much does Custom Software Costs?

7. We relocated our new offices to the Base Co-Work Building in Santurce, Puerto Rico.

8. Our workforce grew by 35%.

9. We retained 75% of our customers.

10. Despite the pandemic, we kept producing the Successful Blunders Podcast remotely and achieved thousands of streams on several platforms.

11. We achieved thousands of views on our YouTube channel, and the most popular video was Automate Processes using Power Platform.

12. INVID’s family grew in 2020 with a new #INVIDBaby.

13. The Professional College of Engineers and Land Surveyors of Puerto Rico recognized our CEO, Alberto Lugo, as a Distinguished Collegiate.

14. The most liked #FunFriday post of the year.

As we start a new year and a new journey, we encourage everyone to stay healthy and productive. Let’s have an incredible 2021. We know it will be greater than 2020.