Differences between User Experience and User Interface


There is only one chance to make a good first impression. The user’s interaction with a portal on the internet is just that first impression that virtually closes away a person from the site.

However, two trendy terms are different in meaning but equal in importance when talking about the internet: the user experience (UX) and the user interface (UI).

The user experience is the way to ensure the productivity and usefulness of a tool based on the netizens’ visits to the portal. An analysis that includes the investigation and the contextualization of the company defines the plan for the users in the portal. Testing with individuals and focus groups establish if the user experience is successful on the page.

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On the other half, the user interface refers to the form and visual content of the website, the digital tool, or the developed app. All decisions made in the area must respond to the company’s needs represented on the website. Good examples of this are navigation menus or lists.

Both concepts explore the cyber portal as an effective communication tool. To be successful with its development, it considers the experience and user interface. In short, a good combination will achieve a productive result that is reflected directly in the company.

At INVID, we value the user experience and user interface through tools that strengthen your visit to your corporate site. We established a plan to follow to implement changes that make more attractive and useful to your portal.

If you are looking for a memorable experience on the internet, you just found it!

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