INVID’s AppCore: A Quick Overview


AppCore is a powerful platform designed to simplify and speed up the application development process for INVID clients. It is a base application that provides a comprehensive set of features and tools, reducing delivery times and costs and ensuring the final product’s highest quality.

App Core has various features clients can choose to include in their applications. One of the critical features of AppCore is its user management capabilities. It allows for easy registration and login, user profile management, password reset and recovery methods, and other functionalities. Additionally, it offers the ability to assign permissions to user roles, ensuring that only authorized users have access to specific application areas.

Another great feature of AppCore is its notifications capabilities, allowing targeted messages to be sent to users via SMS, email, or voice call. This feature can be scheduled for specific times and configured to require approval from multiple approvers, ensuring that the right people receive the right messages.

AppCore also includes a publications feature that allows users to post information in an activity feed and a chat feature that facilitates real-time communication between users. Additionally, the platform offers an engine for managing user subscriptions, making it easy to handle renewals, notifications, cancellations, and more.

Additionally, one of the standout features of AppCore is its support for multiple languages and UI themes. This allows businesses to create applications accessible to a broader range of users, regardless of their language or accessibility needs.

Finally, by implementing AppCore into your software product, you will have access to support from INVID’s highly skilled development team, including bug fixes, configurations, and minor adaptations and changes. This ensures businesses can focus on their core operations while INVID handles the technical details.

Overall, AppCore is a robust platform that can help INVID clients speed up their application development processes, reduce costs, and ensure the highest quality of their final product. With its comprehensive features and tools, AppCore is the perfect solution for companies looking to build complex applications quickly and efficiently.