
Intranet is a private network typically used by employees to communicate, create content, collaborate amongst each other, and develop the company culture.


The internet is an electronic communications network that connects computer networks and organizational computer facilities around the world —used with the except when being used attributively. (Merriam-Webster)


Import is defined as a command located within a File’s Menu. It is typically used for opening files, parts of files, program settings, and plug-ins. This type of command is only available to software that requires importing some types of data.


An index is defined as a listing of data, usually seen as groups of files or database entries. It’s typically formatted in plain text to accelerate a search algorithm’s searching and sorting operations.

Insertion Point

An insertion point is a place on a computer screen where characters can be inserted. Examples of insertion points include a form field, a web browser address bar, or a search bar. An easily identifiable feature of an insertion point is a flashing cursor.


Install is the process by which a software program inputs the necessary data for running and using a program on your hard drive, be it a computer, mobile device, etc. For example, you must first install the program to use Microsoft Word on your computer.


An interpreter is software that reads and implements code, including source code, pre-compiled code, and scripts. Some examples of code interpreters are Python, Ruby, and Perl, each executing their respective code.


iOS is a mobile operating system created by Apple, and it currently runs on the iPhone, iPod, and iPad. This operating system receives its input via touchscreen instead of a more traditional keyboard or mouse.