INVID implemented a modern workspace that fosters collaboration and communication within Grupo Guayacán. With Sharestacks they can now use Office 365 to its full potential, resulting in a more task-oriented and planning system without paying for third-party software.
Grupo Guayacán, Inc. is a private non-profit organization founded in 1996 with a model that allows private equity investments to collaborate with programs aimed at developing, strengthening, and advancing Puerto Rico’s entrepreneurial ecosystem.
One of the main challenges of Grupo Guayacán was that they needed to find a way to streamline their information management procedures. As their organization continued to grow, they also saw an increase in the number of people who worked on the same project or document. This made it necessary for them to have an optimized document management system that fosters collaboration and order. In summary, Grupo Guayacán needed to find better ways to communicate internally.
We realized that Grupo Guayacán already had Microsoft Office 365 at their disposal, but they weren’t using it to its full potential. Therefore, they were paying third parties to do jobs that Microsoft could already do for them!
Growth can have its challenges! As Grupo Guayacan evolved as a company, they needed the right tools to manage that growth. Not only did they need to communicate better internally but with their external stakeholders as well. After receiving Grupo Guayacan’s specifications, INVID was able to deliver the program on time, allowing for the client to begin managing their documents instantly.

BRAND encourages collaboration and communication within companies that need to be more organized and centralized by transforming their SharePoint intranet into a modern and responsive design. Such was the case for Guayacán, where we implemented Sharestacks to leverage all the tools within the Microsoft Office Suite, including SharePoint, OneDrive, and other planning functions.
“Our team’s recent experience has been extremely valuable for us. I fully recommend INVID to solve your different business challenges. In the case of Sharestacks, it has allowed us to supercharge our corporate intranet to levels that we didn’t really think were possible before using the platform.”

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