Transforming the Education Process
With the rise of the modern era, academic institutions are using technology at the forefront of their educational strategies. According to the U.S. Department of Education, not only does it support teachers, but it also allows for increased student engagement and accelerates learning. INVID can help makes this possible for your school, through the automation of processes such as academic tests and improved internal communication.
Solutions that help
In a highly regulated industry like education, compliance is essential. At INVID we can create a custom application that helps you improve services in the classroom and school administration.
Mobile Apps
INVID created a mobile app that lets users press a panic button when in danger around campus. The app uses the phone’s GPS to send alerts to an Azure-hosted web server that displays the location of the incident.
Web-based test
Say goodbye to correcting tests by hand! You can use Microsoft’s Azure platform to have students take a test online. This allows teachers to receive results in real-time and store data if the internet is ever lost.
A modern intranet can allow for collaboration and communication between students and faculty members. Send official letters, encourage others to participate in personalized forums, and more!
Success Stories

Security Mobile Application
INVID created a mobile app that allows students and faculty members to press a panic button when in danger around campus. The alert complies with the Jeanne Cleary Act and uses the phone’s GPS coordinates to send alerts to an Azure-hosted web server that displays the location of the incident. See how we did it!