Two people trying to break into a phone.

Cyberattacks: The threat we can no longer ignore


[Opinion Piece]

With the rise of cyberattacks, not only in personal settings but in governmental and corporate spaces, it is more important than ever to consider cybersecurity when developing your security plan. We have already started seeing incidents that affect the lives of everyday citizens, like the shutdown of the Colonial Pipeline in the U.S. last year, which resulted in the company paying the $4.4 million ransom the hackers demanded. Years ago, organizations would not have given the topic of cybersecurity within a company much importance. But now, these incidents have brought to light just how vulnerable organizations are to cyberattacks and how, in this new era of modernity, it is paramount to build an infrastructure that can repel these assaults.

Much like countries sought to reinforce their defenses with thick walls and state-of-the-art artillery, so must they gear up against the not so absurd threat of cyberattacks. Reports show that the malware used for these offensives is easily available within the dark web, with the cheapest one pricing at just $50. It is even worse to determine who is responsible for these attacks, given the murky nature of the transactions and their players having extra precautions to conceal their identities.

So, what can be done?

There are many alternatives to protect a company or an organization against a cyberattack. Consulting an expert, conducting regular security audits, and training employees to recognize and react to cyberattacks are just some of the many ways companies and governments are moving towards safer cyberspace. In addition, organizations must ensure that members and employees follow cybersecurity protocols, whether through regularly updating institutional passwords or ensuring that employees do not access unsafe or suspicious web pages.

Additionally, companies must support those within their organization who already combat and protect their systems from malware by allocating more resources to their department and ensuring that the people within it are capable and educated to protect their digital assets.

The era of modernity is upon us; it is up to companies, agencies, and organizations to gear up and meet it with the concern and safety it merits. Only then can we truly reap the benefits technology has for us and the world.